Denton Little’s Deathdate


Denton Little’s Deathdate – Lance Rubin

Thank you NetGalley for providing me with a free digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

Imagine a world where you knew the date that you will die, a world where you can attend your own funeral; Denton Little lives in that world. He has lived his life knowing that he will never make it past his teenage years, in fact, he’ll die on the day of his senior prom. How would you spend your final days if you knew they were going to be your last? Who would you spend it with? Could you come to terms with knowing that today will be your last?

Wow. It’s rare that I find a book that I genuinely couldn’t fault. Usually I find books have a lull, resulting in me becoming bored; this was not the case with Denton Little’s Deathdate – I could not put it down. From start to finish I was captivated by every.single.word.

Denton Little’s Deathwish is primarily a young adult novel, but it could fit in so many other categories such as science fiction, comedy and even romance. This makes it sound confusing, but it isn’t. The genre-blurring makes an interesting and captivating read, it doesn’t get boring, when you’re becoming customised to one genre, it switches to another and draws you right back in.

I liked every, single, character. Something that rarely happens. It was hard not to like Denton, sure he made mistakes, what teenage boy doesn’t? But overall, he was likable, courageous, and I genuinely felt empathy and almost a sense of pride when he tried not to ‘waste his death’ and complimented others.

Admittedly, I kind of guessed what the twist would be at the end of the book. Did this spoil it for me? Surprisingly, no. If anything, I was more excited to get to the end to ensure my theory was correct and to see how Denton would react to it. I genuinely cannot wait for the next book in this series, and it will be one that I will buying to take pride position on my bookshelf.


2 thoughts on “Denton Little’s Deathdate

  1. mylittleemo says:

    I just got approved for this one on Netgalley! I was pretty excited about this one, so hearing that it was so good you couldn’t find fault in it makes me even more hyped!
    Kelly @ Dancing Through the Pages


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